home history Quarter Horse stallion mares in training old friends for sale reference


Young horses here don't start ridden work until they are 3 and the aim is making them sound, happy individuals who like people, enjoy work and are a pleasure to own. They do basic handling and groundwork with the emphasis on lightness and trust from the beginning. When they are ready, we get on and ride out round our beautiful fields and lanes in a snaffle bridle, a saddle, and that is all. They are schooled - they learn collection down our steep banks, extension when we are in a hurry, subtle step-by-step maneuvres doing gates, 'forward' from the fun of it all, 'stop' because you have to sometimes. Stand still, too - because it's a lot more pleasant chatting to the neighbours on something that isn't fidgeting all the time. They get to see the world and all that is in it. They do 'outline' by themselves when they are ready. We do not own a round pen.

These are the members of our herd that are currently growing up, in training or made riding horses. Some of them will be for sale in future, so if you have a particular interest in any of them, please do get in touch.


Welsh Cob (Section D), Hondduvalley Daniel Cwmclwyd Cardi Express Derwen Royal Express Derwen Railway Express
Derwen Queen
Wedros Hefina Kilgour Welsh Monarch
Wedros Lady Di
Trewalkin Tempest Glantraeth Welsh Dancer Trevallion Trysor
Zetor Welsh Lady
Hafrena Bessie Ddu Llyfni Llur
Hafrena Seren Ddu

Daniel came from the Brecon Fair in 2009. He was 3 years old, entire and 100% wild. I overheard someone in the crowd saying 'He'll never be a riding horse' and that was like a red rag to a bull to me, so we bought him and brought him home. He was ridden out as a stallion as a 4 year old, culminating in a 13 mile fun ride. As a 5-year-old he was gelded and had a year off to get over it and now I am continuing his education. He came out of the field and rode away as if laid up yesterday. Daniel is developing into a lovely sensible ride and this year we have done over 100 hours together.


Contact us on wildenfarm@btopenworld.com